Onlinemeded Intern Guide [Get Here]

Onlinemeded Intern Guide [Get Here]

Get Onlinemeded Intern Guide Latest edition in this post. This book is published by OnlineMeded and its author is Dustyn Williams, MD. This book is highly recommended if you are a medical student and want to know the best ways to grow in this field. You can read the book or save/download it for free from the google drive link below.

About the Book:

  • Title: Onlinemeded Intern Guide 
  • Author: Dustyn Williams, MD
  • Format: PDF
  • Genres: Medical
  • Pages: 175
  • Language: English

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Contents of the book

a.  Introduction and disclaimer  
b.  OnlineMedEd Story 
c. Tier 1 Knowledge = Topics for intern year  
d.  On Call Pearls  

1. Philosophy and Bureaucracy 
a. Philosophy 
b. Stages of Death and Dying in Residency  
c. Duty Hours  
d. The Team Cap Explained  
e. Morning Interdisciplinary Rounds 
f. Stress 
g. Clinical Reasoning  
h. Errors in Clinical Reasoning  
i. Finite and Infinite Games  
j. Patient Satisfaction 

2. Survival Techniques
a. Time Management: Data Tracking  
b. Time Management: To Do Lists / Scut Lists  
c. Survival Skills: Morning Workflow  
d. Survival Skills: Urgent and Important  
e. Time Management: Turkeys and Windows  
f. People Management: Relationships  
g. People Management: Being Effective  
h. People Management: Arguments  
i. Life Management: In Your Box  
j. Doing Questions  
k. Studying Resources  

3. Rounding and Documentation 
a. H&P: Spoken Presentation  
b. Daily Rounds: Spoken Presentation  
c. Documentation: Saying it Right (for CMS)  
d.  H&P: Written Template  
e.  D/C Summary: Written Template 
f. Ideal Admit Order Set  
g.  Procedure Notes  
h.  Transfer of Care / Step Down: Written Template 

4.  Medications
a.  Meds: Top 50  
b.  Common Meds: Heart Related  
c.  Common Meds: Lung Related  
d.  Common Medications: Pain  
e.  Common Meds: Poop and Vomit  
f.  Common Medications: Psych Meds  
g.  Antibiotics 

5.  Methods
a.  Chest Pain  
b.  Shortness of Breath  
c.  Abdominal Pain  
d.  Syncope 
e.  Weakness 
f.  Fluid Where Fluid Shouldn’t Be (Swelling)  
g.  Delirium 
h.  Hemoptysis 
i.  Fever 
j.  AKI 
k.  Bleeding 
l.  Dysphagia 
m.  Back Pain  
n.  Headache 
o.  Joint Pain  
p.  Diarrhea 
q.  Pulmonary Hypertension  
r.  ECG Interpretation  
s.  Cough 
t.  Acid Base and the Chamber of Secrets

6.  Common Medical Problems
a.  Cardiac Chest Pain  
b.  So you admitted that chest pain  
c.  Heart Failure In the Clinic – Outpatient  
d.  Heart Failure In the Hospital – Inpatient  
e.  Afib 
f.  COPD Exacerbation  
g.  Pulmonary Embolism 
h.  Sepsis 109
i.  Principles of Antibiotic Management  
j.  Pneumonia 111
k.  Electrolytes - Sodium  
l.  Electrolytes - Potassium  
m.  Cirrhosis   
n.  GI Bleed
o.  Approach to LFTs  
p.  Inpatient Diabetes    
q.  Diabetic Ketoacidosis  
r.  Outpatient Diabetes  
s.  Stroke 

7.  Intern Notes
a.  Cardiology 
b.  Pulmonary 
c.  Renal Nephrology Kidney  
d.  GI and Liver 
e.  Heme Onc  
f.  Infectious Disease  
g.  Endocrinology 
h.  Rheumatology 
i.  Neuro 

8.  ICU
a.  Sick, Not Sick, On the Fence  
b.  Who Goes to the Unit?  
c.  ARDS - Lung Protective Strategy  
d.  Ventilator Strategy  
e.  Common Medications in the ICU:  Sedation and Paralysis  
f.  In the ICU: Approach to Shock  
g.  In the ICU: Pressors  
h.  In the ICU: Septic Shock  
i.  In the ICU: Running a Code  
j.  In the ICU: Running a Rapid  

More About the Book

Entering the world of medical sciences and becoming a doctor can be a daunting task because the field is so vast and rapidly moving, characterized by a continual explosion of new information. The challenge is how to approach this career as a fresher.  

This book contains useful tips to make you a better leader, advice to make you a better person, and notes to make you a better doctor.

Onlinemeded Intern Guide Link:

If you can afford this book, make sure to buy it from official website at $49. 

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Other Important Biology eBooks/Notes

🔥 Check out the Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. It is also an excellent book on anatomy.
🔥 Get Cell - A molecular Approach Book Here 

Most of the students found the book very useful in finding internships after graduation. It is also recommended by faculties of top colleges. I hope you like this eBook. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below and do share this post with your friends!

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